Feel the soothing and loving energies of this bracelet.
- Made with genuine Botswana agate, rose quartz, and pyrite.
- Brass hand-made beadssupport womenin Africa.
- Strung on our signature and exclusive super thick hitecelastic.
- Available in 3 sizes.
- Made in the USA.
is linked to the Heart chakra and is often called the "love stone". It attunes you to universal love and helps you find love in yourself.
provides courage through love, removes hurts of the heart, calms anger, encourages healthy growth, amplifies leadership qualities. Its purple color comes from traces of lepidolite.
Botswana Agateis a relaxation stone it helps find spiritual maturity and stability.
- Bead size: 4mm
- SMALL: 6.5 inches/ 16.5 cm
- MEDIUM: 7.25 inches/ 19 cm
- LARGE: 8 inches/ 20 cm